atomic bombing of Hiroshima . IMAGE. Encyclopædia Britannica. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
In this research project, students will investigate the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of WWII. We will look at original documents from the time period and subsequent histories written about the decision to drop the bomb. Students will create notecards on Noodletools with ONE IDEA PER CARD taking information from the sources below. Students will also use school databases for TWO of their cards. (Your notecard should note if the idea is "PRO", for bombing, "CON", against bombing, or "BACKGROUND", general information about the bombing.) For your final project, you will need to reflect SIX different sources, and you should create no more than FOUR notecards per article so your research reflects a variety of sources. The final product is a persuasive essay which we will write in-class. Refer to the handouts to learn more about the articles and final essay contents.